Sunday, June 16, 2013

Una Problema

So, don't tell anyone they make you feel good and not know for sure because they'll start tearing up your world right and left because of their fear of the public eye.  You can't just say I'm mean to save your hide.  I've always been told I was perfectly sweet, shy, smart, and trustworthy.  I was the class angel, in a sense, but a shy 1..  I was also considered a good friend in my life, luckily for me.  People I think used to admire me...  People younger than me for awhile wanted to be just like me.  Then, I meet Tim Burton, and this is what happens, he says he can't .. he is like Ellen DeGeneres, thinks they're better than other people with success, more famous, too.  I think they are human just like me.  They think they are godly.  I guess Tim Burton propelled this thought, but I found Ellen to display this reaction, as well, LOL, "reaction.." what else is there to say about that, the word "reaction."  It's funny to me because she is this great figure and thinks I should look up to her punishing me, sending signals in an experiment at any given moment, you know like little ticks for example.  Tim Burton isn't as fun, doesn't seem as positive about me, like he can't change the world, like why does the world do that, they're sitting there waiting for you to do lots of things and for some reason are strangely patient.  It's been 8 years, and that's a lot of life to me.  I feel like death.. sorry...  Guess I'll post this at this ending??