Sunday, June 16, 2013


I guess when I do something it reaches Heavenly heights.  What about Ellen with her mother's Jewish-European last name?

My thing is though being happy like the days of and before Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Let's gossip about Nell, though, Ellen acting mean is the equivalent of my dad's youngest sister's illegitimate daughter being whiney and acting like she's the cutest most Caucasian, a wild brat, repulsive and not sure what else I can say beyond this point.  She is mean and now acting coy since the n word thing..  I think 2 of her boyfriends committed suicide.  That was after her divorce, but she still keeps the guy, who is Portugese's, last name.  She is kind to me, but that's what she's like around everyone else since she was little.  When she was very little she was mean to me.  That's okay.