Friday, June 7, 2013

Too Much

I know when something's too much, I have a problem with my physical body being lazy.  I can't do weight training + a sport during the year, but my mom got me a membership so I can go take BodyPump, don't have it yet, told her I wanted to do just gymnastics- still she's getting it, I asked her for it.  I'm sure it's necessary..just with school you'd have to be there all the time.  The college where my teacher doesn't teach now has softball and I only want to go twice a week, can ferry over to the other college and shower before her class or something or take the night class since I take singing lessons from her another day.

Well, I'm getting a vanity in my room.  I have to bring a folding chair, like that you put in the sack, so I can sit down after my shower when I do my hair and makeup.  Did you know my stuff filled a large suitcase?  I guess that if you are meeting someone they can take it at the airport, otherwise guess you use their towels, at least.  I also have tall rainboots so the floor water doesn't hit me.