Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Report))

I am disgusted with people, maybe her, who are in my life bargaining, mocking for no reason at all, thinking I did this I did that.

My mom has a British accent. In the hospital, 1 British from girl kept talking. My mom said not to copy her. I mean when I was little and she was raising me.

So tell me again why she's so good. I thought I was pretty European. I hate seeing those stupid Latinos, you know?

So, why were these people talking to me? What are your stupid, mushy fantasies and inability to dream?

Ellen sits there and thinks it's funny and acts tippy. She even "has" to keep acting like she was the 1 who hurt me. Then, I don't want to connect with my dad in this negative way sexually, just the normal things you should understand, am too drained and depressed/sad. I mean, I've been hurt by Tim Burton, too. Is this your shit @ you wanting me to call someone the n word? Fuckin shut up and go to Hell. Stop peein' in yer pants.

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