Friday, June 7, 2013
How I Feel
I am good emotionally, but I'm tired and wanna take off my contacts, just feel like waiting until my parents are in their room for sure more. Pretty much same time seems. :/
The Question
I told the disciplinarian and the other guy later just tell me the teacher doesn't feel like having me in her class and is virtually chasing me away and that that's not allowed in college.
Whattaya Thinkin'
Would you say that if 1 of these people who you look up to were in my shoes .. that they wouldn't be at all liked because someone knew they were Chinese?
I am not the 1 who publicized Ginny's daughter. People look into me and we just exchange certain thoughts, but they didn't clarify nothin' about her.
Can I just catch you red-handed?
I know I've thought this before. You wanna give me all this attention and I say I don't want that kind and then you accuse me like I'm some hairy beast that shouldn't be in your world.
What I Found There
I found out something, like the teacher wanted to affect my female stuff in a weird way, the *beep*
To Be Continued ;0
So, I was walking down the road and so happy with all the cars nearby. Then, I stopped for awhile and just didn't do anything. I was thinking @ the message my mom got. I got my own, though, that doesn't designate that. I was told to leave to rest and told them I did nothing. I think they were pulling the plug on a guilty part of my conscience. Whattaya want now? Ellen's off the air, but she is supposedly not completely, not sure why just some days maybe now are not reruns if she's stopping to live her life. I was afraid they were mad OOH I've seen things where other kids don't get in trouble! Those guys just covered each other for the bathroom and giggling and acted weird about it. I told them that it was a theater class and I was trying to be a good member. I don't know why people are so mean and only like bad, popular people. What does Ginny want? I am a dead slate.
Mi Problemo Tu Problemo
So, 1st I skipped a meeting to stay home and rest, and now the people from the meeting are here to not have me rest. I had a successful interview with an annoyuing disciplinarian 1st, and it looked like he made up his mind. I'm also upset at something my teacher did perhaps in her switching her teaching habits, like I can't go to school and wake up just for her. I have to go for myself. I will not go for nothing, as in no one teaching nothing, to do nothing. Me to do nothing. D D D D So, I stopped being able to feel, to make myself feel and never did again. I don't get this teacher, if she made it so I'd be kicked out .. or did the disciplinarian was he stupid like her students who were so mean to me and annoying and unappealing and showy .. Also, my dad does nothing for himself and doesn't take invites, never talks to me, I just talk to him. I know I'm talked to in the shit, btw, but who knows. Ugh, now I forget and my contacts are blurry from sleeping in them so much the past few days, not much sleep so much, though. So, I was mad my mom was e-mailed maybe not that teacher when I get back in or something. My therapist even claimed she's the 1 who kicked me out. I thought she just wanted me to get counseling. I wanna go to a class, and I wanna go to that 1.
So, why the fuck would a teacher think that .. er forget. I just recorded 2 videos of spiels of the breakdown I had tonight. I went from happy to blank and figured out stuff. You can't all go against me, the whole world. I'll .. break .. okay. So, watch the videos if you live in a basement and have your mom bring you fast food. Anyway, I'll recall.
You Know Somethin' Funny
I just realized how all the other music people are excited @ "The Ellen DeGeneres Show."
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Una Problema
Don't listen to the likes of my dad, he is incapable of doing the right thing.
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Una Peoblema
What about my dad weedling @ in back all horny and punishing me in a silent treatment? He will weedle up to you with a twisted, unbecoming conscience.
You aren't whiter than me, organizing my race like it has no aspirations in the white race you are so insistent on.
Back to the 1st part, what are you bloodthirsty for in my "non-white" dad? I don't think he's no Ginny Kopf but in public thinks he's onto Ellen DeGeneres. He is a barrier in my life for no reason because of the N word thing.
You do like him in some way and are jealous of me. Stop shitting around because of worthless jealousy and stupidity.
What else? Yea, he keeps doing weird stuff and sounds like he's gonna shit at Ginny that will affect ME. Maybe it will highlight me.
Anyway, why are Americans so interested in Europe? They are putting it off until I get killed.
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You aren't whiter than me, organizing my race like it has no aspirations in the white race you are so insistent on.
Back to the 1st part, what are you bloodthirsty for in my "non-white" dad? I don't think he's no Ginny Kopf but in public thinks he's onto Ellen DeGeneres. He is a barrier in my life for no reason because of the N word thing.
You do like him in some way and are jealous of me. Stop shitting around because of worthless jealousy and stupidity.
What else? Yea, he keeps doing weird stuff and sounds like he's gonna shit at Ginny that will affect ME. Maybe it will highlight me.
Anyway, why are Americans so interested in Europe? They are putting it off until I get killed.
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You just want to all say you're whiter than me. I never hurt you. You just wanna blame mixed people. You're so disgusting. Go homo alone-o. I know "the 'parents'" did this for you. How utterly worthless!
Why is my dad wanting to take singing from my teacher and behind my baclk being a perverted pig that I can't get nor pay for just anything. I want his socialization outta my life. He's a dork, and so are you.
Just because you like me does not mean you can math me to my dad. He is mean. I am better like his Late Boom sister than him. He's just gonna joke his way through singing. He wants to hurt me. I don't want a fuck from him. You're disgusting and sitting back doing it in spite.
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Why is my dad wanting to take singing from my teacher and behind my baclk being a perverted pig that I can't get nor pay for just anything. I want his socialization outta my life. He's a dork, and so are you.
Just because you like me does not mean you can math me to my dad. He is mean. I am better like his Late Boom sister than him. He's just gonna joke his way through singing. He wants to hurt me. I don't want a fuck from him. You're disgusting and sitting back doing it in spite.
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The Truth in the Background
What about being older and having a sucky experience looking up to only a certain amount older? Because Late Boomers need to have a parental connection in the world with Generation Z. You know, it is legalized, a bipedal experience. It is why the kids got sad and then older but not all so old, maybe shown off by little German-Americans, I must say, who can't handle the truth. What else..must be summit. Sounds like the world would be a better and better and better place. What happened to everyone feeling their needs met in a big, all-encompassing way. Also, realize colored people have a lot to offer. Just keep trying at it.
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Burn Baby, Burn-
I used to be an appealing friend. I'm not Tim Burton. I am 1 of the Floridian hosts, and you could be, too.
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Una Problema
Stop wasting my time and pecking at relationships I have. This is so perverted. I am a good person. Why can't you accept I'm from the dead South and that you're mean from your parents?
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Working doesn't make you a better person.
Stop acting stupid, everyone. You have no respect for me, got away with it because of Tim Burton. How you gonna go around being shitty to everyone. I have control over myself. You don't, nothing foer me.
My driver is having more "fun" than a 4-wheeler. OMG shut up. Learn to talk about different things.
What now? Why you call me a nigger? You're the mean 1.
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Stop acting stupid, everyone. You have no respect for me, got away with it because of Tim Burton. How you gonna go around being shitty to everyone. I have control over myself. You don't, nothing foer me.
My driver is having more "fun" than a 4-wheeler. OMG shut up. Learn to talk about different things.
What now? Why you call me a nigger? You're the mean 1.
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I have a problem.
I don't know nothin', but people were being uptight to me about the past. Johnny Depp's videos seemed to speak to me to call him stupid for fun then he fled. Tim Burton "same as his daughter."
"THE Prob lem"
See, my post is even illegitimate. It was why do you use Nell Burton against me. Oh yes, but I have been very abused by my parents's treatment since that happened.
Why would you find some thing to entertain you about Nell Burton. What if I said I do not experience comfort?
Look, don't lie.
Look, don't lie.
Sma't (Smart)
I am smarter, and I don't give a bloody (bloody as in British) care @ Nell Burton's dad being born in 1958. Why does all my mol****** stem from contact with my dad early on? I know what it means now!
At least, you can talk to my dad and not just Johnny Depp with Tim Burton. See, I can be suggestive to you, too, on accident.
At least, you can talk to my dad and not just Johnny Depp with Tim Burton. See, I can be suggestive to you, too, on accident.
What I Know
So, I know Ellen would think if I'm Chinese that I can't say anything, but that's not true, my friends have been critically mean to me, maybe with that need, both, not all 3. You have to be able to talk @ your life to someone. I mean, words come up.
People Who Like People
"People who need people are the luckiest people in the world."
I forget now.. :C
I forget now.. :C
I discovered my friend with a long triangular nose is against me or something for existing that I have a more prominent, strong nose. Maybe she's just not as German. About her nose being triangular, I mean I think it's a hooked nose, too, since I knew her at 9 in 4th grade. It wasn't especially big, but it's like she thinks it's her little thing. She thinks she fixes things up, don't know what about. I just don't like how people are ruining my relationship and how I can't get 1 after being friends with these 2. The other girl is big on her hair being white and her eyes being blue maybe, I think her freckles, just a few, and her nose becoming more like mine and my dad's. Mine should have been like both parents in some creative way. My other friend has parental safety because she's not indian. I guess she feels sorry about my eyes not being as big since I'm ½ Chinese, don't forget the 6-700 years not in China. Where else would you be? I really want to stress that this girl has a triangle nose, the 1st 1. My nose is multi-dimensional. What's wrong with that? I don't know, it used to be low, now it's more curving up, in fact. It's plastered with a bump that seems to have solidified, don't feel it anymore. I just wanted to tell you, is a nice shape, but I hope she doesn't use her shittiness against others, she knows what she's like, I always was so reverent of her nose, I mean, and now I just feel "over it." She was intimidating, glad I got away from her, but this isn't exactly getting away from this. I know it sounds like I don't like the triangle nose, but I guess that's kinda like home base. She needs to losen up and not be too stereotypical in ways that she offends others. I used to not have any bump on my nose. I guess I should respect that is something @ her race.
So, I guess writing this out is good for me, but I have limited time.
So, I guess writing this out is good for me, but I have limited time.
Worry Worry Worry
People always treated me like shit because they were shit. Now, I have to worry about poeple who are nice to me in public, even older 1s.
The Question
Why does Ellen invite weird, disagreeable people? That makes me wonder about myself. You see them, they seem kinda discourteous to you and even onstage at Ellen. It does seem more about non-celebrities. I remember before it was more friendly people, but I guess they were a bit overly friendly. I don't know anyone who'd watch her show every day. I won't take it as normal. I mean, we have computers.
Teetering Thoughts
Well, if you feel selfish, you'll feel a little'a this. You should not think I'm not white, like by right.
Not Wanting to Communicate
What would you say to living a normal life and all of a sudden someone wanting to go into you just to say they don't want to talk to you, like they did it to get a rise? I mean like not some thing that looks like that when they're a kid. I know a lot of people would just act like they're better because they're taller. Wait, though, then they'd find I'm not Latino, not black for sure, what else? Probably not Asian? Probably not Jewish? Probably not "the right kind" of Middle Eastern, even so far as to think?
Facial Features
I feel I know for a fact that blondes are ugly because adults want them anti-Chinese. Guess brunettes passed the test. My hair is dark because my parents both have black hair. It got black like theirs because I guess I wasn't like some outgoing girl with medium brown hair after I got a little older. It's just a more neutral yet not too earthy of a color. I had the brown eyes, but now they're green and I don't want those brown eyes back, no siree.
Now I Know
My dad came out.. back in
So, up north there are lots of mixed indians from there and they wouldn't feel loved and get the fairer hair as a baby. Did you know white blondes can have like black hair as an infant? Lots of people are born fair and excited but really having the light features is dependent on if you have part mixed. Being 1|2 you might have it better because I know people think the mom might be all 1 race.
I do not understand why my friends won't start off and talk to me with nothing in my background. I got fat from being servile. It's like I had to set up my life until death when I hope that I go to Heaven rather than disappear. I know that things happen as entities, I've seen it, miracles, have explained, not sure if I feel like talking @ it nor sure what to post on my website.
So, I have seen this is true.
Also, something people do is like I guess if you find someone not as white as you for some reason that .. like and not be calm .. that they were worry more about the other person feeling how they need, in some way that doesn't work out which seems strange, really. :| I was not very very dark, see, just had some benefits. I was calm.. I learned to be like courteous or something. It's interesting having a mom from the South and a dad from up north. I guess, jealous or not, I'm more Southern in 1 way, like having a mom. So, I guess very white people aren't calm but are actually racist and will not have a thing to do with you. I am 1 for getting out there, something I feel to others who are not white. I do feel or think I've felt. I mean, who doesn't? A fish?
So, up north there are lots of mixed indians from there and they wouldn't feel loved and get the fairer hair as a baby. Did you know white blondes can have like black hair as an infant? Lots of people are born fair and excited but really having the light features is dependent on if you have part mixed. Being 1|2 you might have it better because I know people think the mom might be all 1 race.
I do not understand why my friends won't start off and talk to me with nothing in my background. I got fat from being servile. It's like I had to set up my life until death when I hope that I go to Heaven rather than disappear. I know that things happen as entities, I've seen it, miracles, have explained, not sure if I feel like talking @ it nor sure what to post on my website.
So, I have seen this is true.
Also, something people do is like I guess if you find someone not as white as you for some reason that .. like and not be calm .. that they were worry more about the other person feeling how they need, in some way that doesn't work out which seems strange, really. :| I was not very very dark, see, just had some benefits. I was calm.. I learned to be like courteous or something. It's interesting having a mom from the South and a dad from up north. I guess, jealous or not, I'm more Southern in 1 way, like having a mom. So, I guess very white people aren't calm but are actually racist and will not have a thing to do with you. I am 1 for getting out there, something I feel to others who are not white. I do feel or think I've felt. I mean, who doesn't? A fish?
Why would I be not a person in Florida? I calculated Pennsylvania stuff from my dad's genes? I thought I was just a separate person, a separate cell. See, then we moved to the New Orleans area. I'm sure they'd'a been interested, but they are told only to look for really old stuff. I think that's just a trick. I don't know if there's anything there, then. All I can say is I 1st existed in Florida, and my mom's 1st place she lived for very very long was Florida. It seems they'd have gone to Florida soon after marrying and seeing my dad's family|relatives. I know for a fact that other people want to say they are like ancient Floridians, but all they can do is compare themselves to others. I know for a fact, maybe just indications, that people up north are into the dead South, not necessarily indicating Key West. They won't take the middle, like, 1st. They think it's just a place to be. I mean, you chose to move to the U.S., but you can't just always butt in and say that you're more Southern in an interesting way. I think I know for a fact that jealousy exists. It's hard to say with me what I'd have because neither parent is from the US South. Not even the middle. Not even that cold. I think the climte is an interesting 1. It definitely is cold but I mean a lot of times it's kinda laden down with bugs. Wonder how you get comfortable up there.
You know what else? Forget now! Ah! I just was saving this, and some vent is making metalic noises that aren't too bothering for some reason.
So, you might get hot in the South. The New Orleans area, I mean, it's hot, but it seems more like cool with the water, more white as in Caucasian. It's just really comfortable, physical landmass, perfect, ideal, lots of cool things to theme up life. I should make my room a theme, thinking of doing it as New Orleans, not sure how. I wanted to do flowers, too. I don't want to be too typical and have like VooDoo dolls from New Orleans hung up on my wall, also not allowed to use nails. I should make it a Mardi Gras theme, unless someone stops me? I'll have to think @ that, maybe more than 1 theme will do, then. Mardi Gras and Nautical. What about the color of my wall? It could be like a lake, but I want the sea, don't know. Maybe Mardi Gras. I dunno, I mean there's colors, and I want to make like a masquerade. That's just an idea. Hey, I could paint different walls different colors like my brother did. Never seem much like that, but sounds like an idea. So..that'd be purple, green, and yellow. I could make like a sorta luminated bubble of triangles with people stepping out to have a stomping time. Not sure @ why I'd use my hand to do that, but I unfortunately do things like that. Animals? Er, why would I need that? A staff of music notes on another wall, maybe that's all.
Gonna see what to eat, how many chicken tenders are left, now, or hot dog and hamburger.
I was thinking @ the nautical theme, like the beach, but I dunno. I guess I wanted to like put in a bunch of stuff. You know, though, I don't want Mardi Gras alone. I'll just make a dead South room, like a picutre of a hot evening, though it's not unbearable and only 10 degrees higher than up north. I could also paint a dog and cat and buy stuffed animals but not too many. I could paint a scene with palm trees. Okay, I've made my decision palm trees, know how some people have thought of that for some reason. What else? I guess an alleyway. I will keep the theme a combination of like a strattle of light and dark colors, like peach and light neon green. Peach-pink, though, not brown peach. That reminds me of something recently, a peach. It would be silly to throw in a sea monster, though. Maybe a fish pond or bowl. I 1st talked to Ellen DeGeneres about a heron in her fish bowl eating all her fish on Twitter, Retweeted it rather maybe no thinkI said something.. Yes, I could make a dock. Figure out food on a table, vase of flowers! I know different ways Southerners look, skinny or more filled out. Guess I'm going for what's in the middle. A bulby look. People in a group in dim light so you don't see so much somehow maybe or maybe not. Maybe, the colors can be like sorta orangey peach, sweet light Flamingo pink, and then a sorta surreal thing I guess with more of a teal lighting in the sky and maybe the inside of a building, which may be like dark red, yea, like my vanity which will be dark. I gotta get matching bed. I can get tropical flowers, though they don't seem to really grow in Florida. How can I make it like New Orleans, guess I will add the drama faces and maybe a party. 1st, I paint the backrounds, sketch out the scenes, and then proceed to shoving over furniture and drawing. Might take some stress.
Also, I need more fast food, not just home fat food and getting hungry for Chick-Fil-A every time I go to walk around and eat at the mall.
You know what else? Forget now! Ah! I just was saving this, and some vent is making metalic noises that aren't too bothering for some reason.
So, you might get hot in the South. The New Orleans area, I mean, it's hot, but it seems more like cool with the water, more white as in Caucasian. It's just really comfortable, physical landmass, perfect, ideal, lots of cool things to theme up life. I should make my room a theme, thinking of doing it as New Orleans, not sure how. I wanted to do flowers, too. I don't want to be too typical and have like VooDoo dolls from New Orleans hung up on my wall, also not allowed to use nails. I should make it a Mardi Gras theme, unless someone stops me? I'll have to think @ that, maybe more than 1 theme will do, then. Mardi Gras and Nautical. What about the color of my wall? It could be like a lake, but I want the sea, don't know. Maybe Mardi Gras. I dunno, I mean there's colors, and I want to make like a masquerade. That's just an idea. Hey, I could paint different walls different colors like my brother did. Never seem much like that, but sounds like an idea. So..that'd be purple, green, and yellow. I could make like a sorta luminated bubble of triangles with people stepping out to have a stomping time. Not sure @ why I'd use my hand to do that, but I unfortunately do things like that. Animals? Er, why would I need that? A staff of music notes on another wall, maybe that's all.
Gonna see what to eat, how many chicken tenders are left, now, or hot dog and hamburger.
I was thinking @ the nautical theme, like the beach, but I dunno. I guess I wanted to like put in a bunch of stuff. You know, though, I don't want Mardi Gras alone. I'll just make a dead South room, like a picutre of a hot evening, though it's not unbearable and only 10 degrees higher than up north. I could also paint a dog and cat and buy stuffed animals but not too many. I could paint a scene with palm trees. Okay, I've made my decision palm trees, know how some people have thought of that for some reason. What else? I guess an alleyway. I will keep the theme a combination of like a strattle of light and dark colors, like peach and light neon green. Peach-pink, though, not brown peach. That reminds me of something recently, a peach. It would be silly to throw in a sea monster, though. Maybe a fish pond or bowl. I 1st talked to Ellen DeGeneres about a heron in her fish bowl eating all her fish on Twitter, Retweeted it rather maybe no thinkI said something.. Yes, I could make a dock. Figure out food on a table, vase of flowers! I know different ways Southerners look, skinny or more filled out. Guess I'm going for what's in the middle. A bulby look. People in a group in dim light so you don't see so much somehow maybe or maybe not. Maybe, the colors can be like sorta orangey peach, sweet light Flamingo pink, and then a sorta surreal thing I guess with more of a teal lighting in the sky and maybe the inside of a building, which may be like dark red, yea, like my vanity which will be dark. I gotta get matching bed. I can get tropical flowers, though they don't seem to really grow in Florida. How can I make it like New Orleans, guess I will add the drama faces and maybe a party. 1st, I paint the backrounds, sketch out the scenes, and then proceed to shoving over furniture and drawing. Might take some stress.
Also, I need more fast food, not just home fat food and getting hungry for Chick-Fil-A every time I go to walk around and eat at the mall.
Never Thought of It
Well, getting a sack to carry a chair, never thought of it.
Wanna know a secret from before? I thought of having like a parlor of places for people to do makeup after a shower. There's only 4 plugs. I was hovering over the idea of a library or room with plugs.
Wanna know a secret from before? I thought of having like a parlor of places for people to do makeup after a shower. There's only 4 plugs. I was hovering over the idea of a library or room with plugs.
Too Much
I know when something's too much, I have a problem with my physical body being lazy. I can't do weight training + a sport during the year, but my mom got me a membership so I can go take BodyPump, don't have it yet, told her I wanted to do just gymnastics- still she's getting it, I asked her for it. I'm sure it's necessary..just with school you'd have to be there all the time. The college where my teacher doesn't teach now has softball and I only want to go twice a week, can ferry over to the other college and shower before her class or something or take the night class since I take singing lessons from her another day.
Well, I'm getting a vanity in my room. I have to bring a folding chair, like that you put in the sack, so I can sit down after my shower when I do my hair and makeup. Did you know my stuff filled a large suitcase? I guess that if you are meeting someone they can take it at the airport, otherwise guess you use their towels, at least. I also have tall rainboots so the floor water doesn't hit me.
Well, I'm getting a vanity in my room. I have to bring a folding chair, like that you put in the sack, so I can sit down after my shower when I do my hair and makeup. Did you know my stuff filled a large suitcase? I guess that if you are meeting someone they can take it at the airport, otherwise guess you use their towels, at least. I also have tall rainboots so the floor water doesn't hit me.
Christina wants to be attractive.
Whoops, Christina's dad almost did that. (Let her be attractive..really, police don't care, not saying he's a criminal.)
So, why did he intimidate certain people? I know Tim Burton has decisions to make. I depended on his popularity with others.
Whoops, Christina's dad almost did that. (Let her be attractive..really, police don't care, not saying he's a criminal.)
So, why did he intimidate certain people? I know Tim Burton has decisions to make. I depended on his popularity with others.
Una Problema
Guess kids with younger moms are more polished, the answer to the question of providing and being of quality, like not stuck on shit, actually, but not well-nutritioned. Haha, I like to hug people, pick me up, or I'll k**** u out. Well, that was rather forward. Huh, why are people so complicated. I know people just want to act like I'm destined to be shit, in a flash unaccepted for my intelligence because I do take care of my needs and didn't cry out for it and I'm about to be pulverized.
Annoying Me
I found I have a habit of doublechecking without thinking of anything else, now. I wanted to be ho-ly.
Thanks, Ellen, for the breakthrough. Guess girls born in earlier 1991 accomplished the epitome of my existence. They can be excited like the later generation if they play their cards right. So, they're literally like my age in that sense. To me, they are the typical younger sibling.
50s|70s|90s People
You might say my mom thinks she's over and above maybe because that's what all people @ her age think. You honestly don't think I have a mom born in 1970. It must be from my dad being of a generation. I can see a lot into it, though.. It's funny how those things are not connected, people born before and after Late Boom, just fending for affinity.
Like My Dad
What was I gonna say @ this?? Oh, make sure you're not making up some big stupid fantasy that calls him shit. I really am not that bad to him. Now sure if I'm bad to my mom. I mean, as a baby, I might have gotten upset. I didn't have a precious relationship.
Last night, my dad went out twice for a long time to get me the Mucinex pills for sore throat. Also picked up a binder since the 1 I had partly broke in 2 ways in the past maybe 2 days unless I didn't notice it at 1st. It peeled off on the bottom after the bottom ring coming lose, like not closing and jamming the paper. :/
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