Why would I be not a person in Florida? I calculated Pennsylvania stuff from my dad's genes? I thought I was just a separate person, a separate cell. See, then we moved to the New Orleans area. I'm sure they'd'a been interested, but they are told only to look for really old stuff. I think that's just a trick. I don't know if there's anything there, then. All I can say is I 1st existed in Florida, and my mom's 1st place she lived for very very long was Florida. It seems they'd have gone to Florida soon after marrying and seeing my dad's family|relatives. I know for a fact that other people want to say they are like ancient Floridians, but all they can do is compare themselves to others. I know for a fact, maybe just indications, that people up north are into the dead South, not necessarily indicating Key West. They won't take the middle, like, 1st. They think it's just a place to be. I mean, you chose to move to the U.S., but you can't just always butt in and say that you're more Southern in an interesting way. I think I know for a fact that jealousy exists. It's hard to say with me what I'd have because neither parent is from the US South. Not even the middle. Not even that cold. I think the climte is an interesting 1. It definitely is cold but I mean a lot of times it's kinda laden down with bugs. Wonder how you get comfortable up there.
You know what else? Forget now! Ah! I just was saving this, and some vent is making metalic noises that aren't too bothering for some reason.
So, you might get hot in the South. The New Orleans area, I mean, it's hot, but it seems more like cool with the water, more white as in Caucasian. It's just really comfortable, physical landmass, perfect, ideal, lots of cool things to theme up life. I should make my room a theme, thinking of doing it as New Orleans, not sure how. I wanted to do flowers, too. I don't want to be too typical and have like VooDoo dolls from New Orleans hung up on my wall, also not allowed to use nails. I should make it a Mardi Gras theme, unless someone stops me? I'll have to think @ that, maybe more than 1 theme will do, then. Mardi Gras and Nautical. What about the color of my wall? It could be like a lake, but I want the sea, don't know. Maybe Mardi Gras. I dunno, I mean there's colors, and I want to make like a masquerade. That's just an idea. Hey, I could paint different walls different colors like my brother did. Never seem much like that, but sounds like an idea. So..that'd be purple, green, and yellow. I could make like a sorta luminated bubble of triangles with people stepping out to have a stomping time. Not sure @ why I'd use my hand to do that, but I unfortunately do things like that. Animals? Er, why would I need that? A staff of music notes on another wall, maybe that's all.
Gonna see what to eat, how many chicken tenders are left, now, or hot dog and hamburger.
I was thinking @ the nautical theme, like the beach, but I dunno. I guess I wanted to like put in a bunch of stuff. You know, though, I don't want Mardi Gras alone. I'll just make a dead South room, like a picutre of a hot evening, though it's not unbearable and only 10 degrees higher than up north. I could also paint a dog and cat and buy stuffed animals but not too many. I could paint a scene with palm trees. Okay, I've made my decision palm trees, know how some people have thought of that for some reason. What else? I guess an alleyway. I will keep the theme a combination of like a strattle of light and dark colors, like peach and light neon green. Peach-pink, though, not brown peach. That reminds me of something recently, a peach. It would be silly to throw in a sea monster, though. Maybe a fish pond or bowl. I 1st talked to Ellen DeGeneres about a heron in her fish bowl eating all her fish on Twitter, Retweeted it rather maybe no thinkI said something.. Yes, I could make a dock. Figure out food on a table, vase of flowers! I know different ways Southerners look, skinny or more filled out. Guess I'm going for what's in the middle. A bulby look. People in a group in dim light so you don't see so much somehow maybe or maybe not. Maybe, the colors can be like sorta orangey peach, sweet light Flamingo pink, and then a sorta surreal thing I guess with more of a teal lighting in the sky and maybe the inside of a building, which may be like dark red, yea, like my vanity which will be dark. I gotta get matching bed. I can get tropical flowers, though they don't seem to really grow in Florida. How can I make it like New Orleans, guess I will add the drama faces and maybe a party. 1st, I paint the backrounds, sketch out the scenes, and then proceed to shoving over furniture and drawing. Might take some stress.
Also, I need more fast food, not just home fat food and getting hungry for Chick-Fil-A every time I go to walk around and eat at the mall.