I discovered my friend with a long triangular nose is against me or something for existing that I have a more prominent, strong nose. Maybe she's just not as German. About her nose being triangular, I mean I think it's a hooked nose, too, since I knew her at 9 in 4th grade. It wasn't especially big, but it's like she thinks it's her little thing. She thinks she fixes things up, don't know what about. I just don't like how people are ruining my relationship and how I can't get 1 after being friends with these 2. The other girl is big on her hair being white and her eyes being blue maybe, I think her freckles, just a few, and her nose becoming more like mine and my dad's. Mine should have been like both parents in some creative way. My other friend has parental safety because she's not indian. I guess she feels sorry about my eyes not being as big since I'm ½ Chinese, don't forget the 6-700 years not in China. Where else would you be? I really want to stress that this girl has a triangle nose, the 1st 1. My nose is multi-dimensional. What's wrong with that? I don't know, it used to be low, now it's more curving up, in fact. It's plastered with a bump that seems to have solidified, don't feel it anymore. I just wanted to tell you, is a nice shape, but I hope she doesn't use her shittiness against others, she knows what she's like, I always was so reverent of her nose, I mean, and now I just feel "over it." She was intimidating, glad I got away from her, but this isn't exactly getting away from this. I know it sounds like I don't like the triangle nose, but I guess that's kinda like home base. She needs to losen up and not be too stereotypical in ways that she offends others. I used to not have any bump on my nose. I guess I should respect that is something @ her race.
So, I guess writing this out is good for me, but I have limited time.