I feel like just ignoring ya'll. Nuttin' to do, nuttin' to do.
I never even notice anyone, I feel, like they're not a person. I just sit there, and nothing happens. Anyone else like this? I don't process shit, neither.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
I can see my dad and Ellen DeGeneres, not sure why them together, talking @ my nose .. that it wasn't very nice .. but then you know that's just bullshit and something anyone would go against, kind forgot what it felt like deep under. The way it's brought up. I'm white European, so don't UNimprove what I got. Why'd I have a small nose at times when I was more under my parents living? My idea was you see them together and you just see they're making it up, being grouchy, just nothing else to do. Um, there were lots of things to do. I'm a real person. I see I improve, I accept mistakes, I learn to forgive. What the fuck is a big deal @ Jewish noses? What about the Mideast and not India? India may have bigger noses, in general. Also, don't get mad at my dad too much for me because I don't trust you.
Wait, I'm still thinking of mad thoughts I'd had that were supposedly "from Ellen DeGeneres?"
Wait, I'm still thinking of mad thoughts I'd had that were supposedly "from Ellen DeGeneres?"
What to Believe In
Does Ginny believe in being happy about fixing things you don't like that you shouldn't do?
I just had to
wah why do I need to "get it out" every day?
What's stupider, California or Louisiana? I chose to take the boat.
wah why do I need to "get it out" every day?
What's stupider, California or Louisiana? I chose to take the boat.
Watcha Thinkin'?
What do you think of well-accepted moms having daughters that like look more clean-cut than the rest of the kids they teach?
I feel as though my dad has hurt me as much as he could and whenever I pass him it triggers it still.
Also, what about him like knocking me out and controlling my nose? That's hurting me. It's dead on the sides of my nose. I think, unfortunately, that turt has been communicating in league with Ellen DeGeneres and Ginny Kopf, that everlasting fart of a dad. If he says he's a fart, I'll just laugh at him. I can think no you're not, but it's still a part of a funny kind of thing to say. I mean, I could say that about me to someone. I would be in trouble if I got mad at them for what I did, and they have a right to laugh. Excuse ya'll farts, but this I smell and fear is unfair bullshit so maybe just leave me alone for I am not a loved 1.
Also, what about him like knocking me out and controlling my nose? That's hurting me. It's dead on the sides of my nose. I think, unfortunately, that turt has been communicating in league with Ellen DeGeneres and Ginny Kopf, that everlasting fart of a dad. If he says he's a fart, I'll just laugh at him. I can think no you're not, but it's still a part of a funny kind of thing to say. I mean, I could say that about me to someone. I would be in trouble if I got mad at them for what I did, and they have a right to laugh. Excuse ya'll farts, but this I smell and fear is unfair bullshit so maybe just leave me alone for I am not a loved 1.
What I Need to Do
I need to clean my room. Not much left to do, want to watch Ellen DeGeneres, too. Think will clean, 1st.
If you wonder why Ellen DeGeneres doesn't seem as smart as a blue-eyed fat lady, you're dumb, because back when it was normal not to do every deed, was and is illogical. I mean, that is basic, but older people don't need things like that. We are sure a special generation.
If you wonder why Ellen DeGeneres doesn't seem as smart as a blue-eyed fat lady, you're dumb, because back when it was normal not to do every deed, was and is illogical. I mean, that is basic, but older people don't need things like that. We are sure a special generation.
Since breaking from school, I cannot compose myself, as I should be able to. I'm so stressed out by who I live with. It's like time to finish up and supposedly go to bed.
Also, my dad is being a sarcastic nigger whenever I'm excited to leave the house. I don't want him, I don't want him close sexually. Can't we press charges?
Also, my dad is being a sarcastic nigger whenever I'm excited to leave the house. I don't want him, I don't want him close sexually. Can't we press charges?
Wastin' Mah TIME
What are my parents thinking @ me? Get those NIGGERS to stop. Oh, is it the problem I listed? About how I didn't sing all musical theater for my teacher? She didn't do anything. I guess she isn't that interested in a lot of other things.
Hey, stop the noises, it's blowing up my right girl side.
Go nigger the rest of the world and leave me alone.
It seems though okay to have to sing something else sometimes.
Hey, stop the noises, it's blowing up my right girl side.
Go nigger the rest of the world and leave me alone.
It seems though okay to have to sing something else sometimes.
Una Problema
Ellen DeGeneres is like not having a brain just joking LOL bc I know she would have cared about me opening up more were I to have gotten into her before Tim Burton. She doesn't even think about that and just bashes a lot I feel. She doesn't realize she doesn't do that. She just does it, makes no care for the change. I don't know if these people believe in nothing. Sorry if you didn't like the joke I made. I mean, she doesn't even know, is not aware of what she does and what she does because of mistakes of people like Johnny Depp and Tim Burton, just goes along and treats people like shit. Don't worry, I think she has a wonderful brain and if she dies would be the worst thing in the world for me, but I guess it should be for her. I want her to be happy. I am not -just- with my mom.
I am someone of dignity. Thanks a lot nigger Burton. Sorry if you don't like that word, but my parents are barely alive because of you and you'd just hurt me more and say that's how it goes. I ain't afraid of a word, but I said what I said. This is my blog, not an e-mail nor fanmail to YOU! WTF DO YOU THINK I AM NOW. I was 1 of the most dignified people of the community. I was pristine, very smart in manners, and you just wanna nigger challenge and "admit" I'm not white all the time when I am YOU GODDAMN NIGGER
Una Problema
I have bad parents. They don't care if I suffer.
I think my dad went out and made fun of Ginny in public. He doesn't know how, still too uninformed. He has nothing to do with me. He's just some other creature, really.
Oh, Ginny, you better not be mad because you put a lot of pressure on like @ yourself personally. What, did you literally speak to my dad, who cares he just makes people feel mad at me?
I think my dad went out and made fun of Ginny in public. He doesn't know how, still too uninformed. He has nothing to do with me. He's just some other creature, really.
Oh, Ginny, you better not be mad because you put a lot of pressure on like @ yourself personally. What, did you literally speak to my dad, who cares he just makes people feel mad at me?
Problema Muy Triste
My parents are reminiscient of barrels of shit because they used to have responsibilities with how they act. Now, that Tim Burton reigns like.., they are mean to me and I never wanted them to "touch" me.
How I'm Doin'
Facebook Conversation
- Christina Barrett Everybody, I made a site. http://christinabarrett2013.proboards.com/board/3/ellen-degeneres-showchristinabarrett2013.proboards
.com Congregate from her Facebook page and Tweetland.
Now I feel bad about being so mad @ my mom so long in that little fragment of the day, hope she's okay. I think that her and Ginny are trying to tell me I'm shit. I thought it was neat she did theater, but she is more a speaking person though would in danger admit to being that but not really that) ) )
Ellen DeGeneres, guess you're a clouded thinker. Is it true that you have hidden feelings of hatred for anyone younger than you because don't try to tell me I do?
Like, no matter what happens, you have to cover a side that shouldn't be covered. Obviously, I mean that I always find that in the end you don't believe in this world. Like, you do lots of stuff for people but still like sorta manage to go along with the crowd and have to hurt them, too. Like, there's no reason, so it's rather offensive. I don't know why you'd try so hard to tell me I'm worse than everyone's thought.. Everyone loves me, supposedly, but in the end they get kinda weird. I never asked for their time|attention|faith.
Like, no matter what happens, you have to cover a side that shouldn't be covered. Obviously, I mean that I always find that in the end you don't believe in this world. Like, you do lots of stuff for people but still like sorta manage to go along with the crowd and have to hurt them, too. Like, there's no reason, so it's rather offensive. I don't know why you'd try so hard to tell me I'm worse than everyone's thought.. Everyone loves me, supposedly, but in the end they get kinda weird. I never asked for their time|attention|faith.
Facebook Post
- Christina Barrett Kai Yearwood is sure cute. Yea, think you get a sorta stressful, perfect answer..meaning oh wait yea you have cancer so sorry, but cancer doesn't mean you're not healthy and happy in any way, I wouldn't be surprised too much if I got it because I had a tumor, though it supposedly disappeared.
- Christina Barrett "FabÃola Robles BUT IN THE END he says 'leave the octopus, make me some MEAT'. That's why we are ALL laughing about here in Brazil. He actually LIKES to EAT MEAT. In the end, in the original video, you can hear him say 'deixa o polvo, faz uma carne' wich means what I said in the beginning." It's hard to know what people mean, but never be afraid
Una Problema
I got the feeling I was like done over and couldn't fight after this fight. True, I guess the relationship has already been broken, though. My mom just won't shut up in her communication. Everyone says something bad and it brings something bad up. That's all I do in Orlando as a Slidellian-"New Orleanian." Ooh, Ellen, hope for some strange reason the "New Orleanian" part don't get you.. No offense, just saying, and I'm mad!
Facebook Post
- Christina Barrett Christina, too. Yea, too bad things just go by "U.S." I'll have to remember that. People in Florida, there are a great group of Hispanics. However, the really Spanish 1s are in Saint Augustine..
So, I just did all my laundry my mom took care of in the laundry room, though I did leave my basket. I became I guess now animatedly mad at my mom giving me 2 PJ shirts and thinking it was to make me uncomfortable when they don't got shit with me. I was mad changing my garbage realizing the lies of my mom and dad's oldest youngest sister, blame them for all my problems other than my dad. The younger sister supposedly decided to take me to the mental hospital, and my dad lied later and said no. No one gives a shit for your family.
Almost Died in My Sleep?
Well, my bra was so tight I couldn't stand the pain, as I slept. It was a big bra. My favorite 1 shrank at the mental hospital and I gave it away to someone who was a lot bigger around, that black girl with the frog mouth. It was a long time, but I knew getting to sleep it would work and it did. There was a time I was sorta zonked, as well, when it didn't hurt. Sleep solves anything. Jogging or just walking does, as well, sometimes you need a jog..
Having Light Hair Naturally
What can I do? I know my hair could have been light, but people make it impossible.
What if Ellen DeGeneres's mom couldn't take care of her?
In case you didn't know, it's already been discovered that fairer races of babies get more like aid in lifestyle and their hope in having lighter hair instead of sorta being phased off. That means that like take for instance mixed babies could have been lighter than another mixed baby that you can't really compare the mixture with. I know it went with everyone else, though, all the encouragement. I know, too, that it's easier biologically. However, the other people aren't really happy.
What if Ellen DeGeneres's mom couldn't take care of her?
In case you didn't know, it's already been discovered that fairer races of babies get more like aid in lifestyle and their hope in having lighter hair instead of sorta being phased off. That means that like take for instance mixed babies could have been lighter than another mixed baby that you can't really compare the mixture with. I know it went with everyone else, though, all the encouragement. I know, too, that it's easier biologically. However, the other people aren't really happy.
"I'm so confused!"
I was even very concerned for enough time that no one would be mean to me and tell me if I did something wrong because my mom got mad at me for complaining about things that were really wrong. I think it's affected new relationships, somehow.
So, why everyone like tell me to death not to change, that I am perfect, as well as even shy, nice, trustworthy, hard-working, attractive, talented, moreover don't do anything wrong..and then all the time everyone in the world is literally pretending to or are beating hate out of me? The hate is the punishing way people treat me, like they can't help it. Well, I can't help criticizing it. I still am Floridian from being from here and growing up here and moreover to others am Slidellian, or New Orleanian even, not just a citizen of "Cenchral FlO'ida." Wait, where does the R go? Yea, and I been here as long as I lived in the New Orleans area or almost, at least, dunno.. [|:]-
Una Problema
My teacher erased my comments @ Acting 1. I was able to tag her in a Friends's post, and I was saying not sure if Ginny will let me take class from her. Not sure what's going on, though.
Watcha Thinkin
I don't know what the fuck you think you have with my mother you snaggle-toothed too young mothers.
If I Might
Everyone is so stupid like going further with things that never went together.
How will they learn @ the world?
Like, people are acting like I'm ugly in a way I didn't like how I look from the past. I've been quite attractive, since, if I may say so.
How will they learn @ the world?
Like, people are acting like I'm ugly in a way I didn't like how I look from the past. I've been quite attractive, since, if I may say so.
Your "Secret" Claim
You're just trying to put me in a trance after realizing I was nicer to you that I wasn't as perfect as you claimed I was..
More Than You (Know)
If you are actually busy wondering if "someone else" can be better than my mom in a fundamental way to say she's not good, just remember I did what I did and I have the same genes as her more than you.
Can you believe it?
I'm literally being attacked mentally in every way possible for having a dad who isn't from the dead South of the U.S.A. and a mom who doesn't count for me. I guess the Chinese aren't white.
Urban Suburban
So, the city above the big Florida beach city (not snaggle-toothed Miami) is considered like more beachy and wet than below, whereas in California where the beach is rocky, L.A. is the major city and S.D. is the urban|suburban city.
I have a problem. I wanted to sing some songs for my teacher, and most were musical theater as she said, but I found reason not to. I just feel it's like a part of my life or something.
You see, we were talking @ it. Maybe, she wanted to go for the goal, but I can't do that. The 2nd 1 was an attempt to do something that was very important I realized. She also was talking @ folk music. I mean, I just had a handful of songs I was good at as far as range goes what she was saying. I am trying to learn "Sweeney Todd!"
You see, we were talking @ it. Maybe, she wanted to go for the goal, but I can't do that. The 2nd 1 was an attempt to do something that was very important I realized. She also was talking @ folk music. I mean, I just had a handful of songs I was good at as far as range goes what she was saying. I am trying to learn "Sweeney Todd!"
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