Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Evil Deed Doers
I see that Late Boomers show off how younger kids know what they're thinking. I am a good person, don't understand the insult. So, Late Boom is just evil?
A Real Grudge on Others
I dunno what happened. I went out and found others hated Nell Burton. I'm like whatever burt realized all the fun things I could be doing. Put me in. I don't really hate her, but I have many grudges against her, unfortunately.
What You Hate and Don't
You can't "turn back" someone who's nice. You're just to like putting things in their places and wanna be cozy and comforted in a world with a guy who's not much older and hate children with older parents.
Why are you speculating and can't say what just know I shouldn't be doing this? I like who I like, like everyone else. Why do you give a fuck about meanies? Yer all mean. Hm.. Ellen DeGeneres might be against her generation, but maybe it's just people like Tim having a daughter. Why is she so blubbery? Look, I did wonder about her diet, but I don't give a fuck @ you and her. I didn't do shit. You're just..something you won't want me to say and I didn't say who all it must be to. I didn't do anything wrong, you did. I'm a sensible person, but ya'll just got hungry for *** induced by Johnny Depp. Now, my life will never be the same. I should just run away.
What about him?
If I look like him, why does he go for featureless creatures? I felt a lot of hatred with his fans.
What about her?
Ellen DeGeneres people think has an attitude, but I think her being fun and well-liked is good enough to keep her ass on air. I don't mean to be crude but more affective. I really like her, but I bet she's racist and racist-mistaken. :/
Oh, so, maybe I did something? No, you did something. I never hurt anyone.
Oh, so, maybe I did something? No, you did something. I never hurt anyone.
The Stupid People
What do you think of the stupid boys who seem to say I had a choice and I did what I did. No, idiot. You did what you did. You don't give a fuck @ manners and hurting others.
Squeeze It Out
Nell Burton is the 2nd illegitimate, spoiled brat of the well-acclaimed Tim Burton. He was an attractive person no one could get attention from, but why would he then just have a kid and just be nice to her? Helena Bonham Carter wasn't of "the dream." She's just like Portia! I know they could have waited and seen what happened. If they want to talk to us, they should have said so. Why are we even bothering? They believe in none other than marriage and want to "keep" "what" they have and tear down the cycle of the world. What do you think? Don't just say it's insulting and forget about it while you're thinking about it. I said someone else did that, didn't mean it was right nor the only specific thing to be done .. maybe just wanted to look good by being married, except Tim isn't. EVerything's been about that fatty bratty Nell Belle. If someone would like talk to me, maybe I'd find something else in this world. I mean, not much happens that we seemed to have in common. Well, not in every way, possibly, not sure what you're thinkin', now. If she really roots for the people today who are in their prime of their youth like me at my age, then ya'll just maybe slowly back away from the idea that..words cannot even seem to describe..why did we have to grow up not as fun as that? What about the people born in the 70s and early 80s? They weren't allowed to be that way and either way I can have whatever I want. I seem to be meandering off the given topic. I had explained why she's a bad kid. People do leave me alone when they feel I want to like say something, you know? Why do you think they have something else in them? I mean, you speak of it as though it's most people. Let's just kinda leave it up because that's what people are on edge about.
Why pay attention to people I know with blonde hair!
You know what you say to Nell Burton. If a person had a problem, they could answer me online.
For me, this conversation is pointed at what's going on and what's impolite.
I said Ellen DeGeneres got hands like Helena Bonham Carter. She pretended to show us how she might rub her highness the joke Nell who has no soul as in no respect for other living creatures other than herself. I don't mean to get dirty to her..just to people who support her because she is the epitome of all the rude people because she's all Caucasian and not indian and dad from a place that's certified for that. Well, Ellen DeGeneres's hands didn't like mutate further, something else.
I'll just come out and say what bothered me was the way she said, "Mommy's here," under her breath. I don't give a FUCK @ Nell. She is NOT a dot in my life.
Let me say this, from "da Sout." Nell Burton is mean and acts like she gets everything and like I am "not white" and that she "does" everything "I do." She acts like I can't talk to her father, though he likes me more than others. HE'S GONNA BE TALKIN' TO OTHER FOLKS, ANYWAY!
You know what you say to Nell Burton. If a person had a problem, they could answer me online.
For me, this conversation is pointed at what's going on and what's impolite.
I said Ellen DeGeneres got hands like Helena Bonham Carter. She pretended to show us how she might rub her highness the joke Nell who has no soul as in no respect for other living creatures other than herself. I don't mean to get dirty to her..just to people who support her because she is the epitome of all the rude people because she's all Caucasian and not indian and dad from a place that's certified for that. Well, Ellen DeGeneres's hands didn't like mutate further, something else.
I'll just come out and say what bothered me was the way she said, "Mommy's here," under her breath. I don't give a FUCK @ Nell. She is NOT a dot in my life.
Let me say this, from "da Sout." Nell Burton is mean and acts like she gets everything and like I am "not white" and that she "does" everything "I do." She acts like I can't talk to her father, though he likes me more than others. HE'S GONNA BE TALKIN' TO OTHER FOLKS, ANYWAY!
Ohm.. ..Ohm
Where can we live if we have crossed families- like, I ..didn't do.. what "they did" in New Orleans? That's certainly ain't mah flaw
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I know Ellen can be a perfectionist. Did you ever try to Tweet her?? Have you heard of Twitter? Do you watch thr show each day?
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Ain't Shit
Ther's a girl on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" who's a nice Asian spelling a word backwards, I'd say shit I ain't doing this.
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Why are people treating me .. coming up to me dangerously and sarcastically making fun of me like with pure insults has happened..happens. Doesn't that make you like in that.. a failure? What happened, this time? You gotta get it down, maybe really. Everyone is so awkward, no 1 thinks talking even can make sense. You can't keep bugging me for the same fact and acting like I'm shit. Your relation is not determined by age.
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Could Not..
Ginny, I had a pretty sure feeling the "counselor" couldn't counsel.
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Me! :D
Why be mean to Asians? It's so mean. They are not like me. Anyway, I'm @ 1/2 Caucasian. I'm not worse for not being more Asian.
Why you shit w/blacks?
What is the logic of treating me sentimentally, getting in the mental clin'c? I even said take me there for counselors.
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Why you shit w/blacks?
What is the logic of treating me sentimentally, getting in the mental clin'c? I even said take me there for counselors.
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In a Different Way
I am upset that people want me to "get closer" to mein own parents in a way that isn't what I'm doing.
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You're a Waste.
Why do you all like someone says I know who gets it iin the end. What @ the 1 who said that, such a waste.
What will happen to Orla Fallon's baby boy/son baby?
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What will happen to Orla Fallon's baby boy/son baby?
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Moody Moody
Sorry, therapist. Why does my mom get me fed up? Don't see so much of my parents..
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What Makes a Person Cool
Central Florida thinks being mean is what makes them cool.
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Boycott + Treaty
If black people say I'm a nigger compared to whites, won't pay attention to them.
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The System
My mom keeps acting like I'm shit and that I think wrong thoughts. That's too bad, how I'm trained to think. Ya'll Late Boomers ain't sexier. I'm younger, so why deny it? That seemed to be the big, obvious,m true mistake.
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The girls from Georgia are okay, but only Chloe seems to come in.
Maggie Liz Jones is like an idol of mine, got in movies via a program I'm using. It's this big Christian thing with meetings but no food every ½ year. If you wonder what it is, it's AMTC. My mom told me @ it. I don't use the others anymore, just did the 1st time. They are different. If I get desparate, I might use this 1 friendly 1. Don't think I applied yet.
Maggie Liz Jones is like an idol of mine, got in movies via a program I'm using. It's this big Christian thing with meetings but no food every ½ year. If you wonder what it is, it's AMTC. My mom told me @ it. I don't use the others anymore, just did the 1st time. They are different. If I get desparate, I might use this 1 friendly 1. Don't think I applied yet.
Una Problema
Did Ellen tell my mom to be mean to me? I didn't think so.
She's been so mean, lately, and it just kinda leaves a mark.. I mean, what can I do to get people to leave me alone, not think bad things @ me? I just can't get myself to feel safe and happy. I thought it was too early to get up but maybe not.
Look, I want my parents to leave me alone. I can do what I want, I'm 26. I can think shit like they do on purpose, but I'm not shit. I don't even feel good. My dad hadn't gotten me ear plugs so I had to put in waterproof 1s. They hurt to sleep in so I don't. I was cleaning out old 1s, but it's not a success.
Yes, my mom washes on the weekend and I have tons of laundry. Thought I'd stay awake for it all but guess not. I should go finish what I have, can use my sewing table with ironing. Might wait a bit. Not much to wait for. Have to practice singing but I guess not now, tired from yesterday.
Look, stop wasting my time. I'm sick and tired of being bothered and insulted by everyone. People are like doing things that would make me m********. WTF you think I did? Why you think I'm just shit now?
She's been so mean, lately, and it just kinda leaves a mark.. I mean, what can I do to get people to leave me alone, not think bad things @ me? I just can't get myself to feel safe and happy. I thought it was too early to get up but maybe not.
Look, I want my parents to leave me alone. I can do what I want, I'm 26. I can think shit like they do on purpose, but I'm not shit. I don't even feel good. My dad hadn't gotten me ear plugs so I had to put in waterproof 1s. They hurt to sleep in so I don't. I was cleaning out old 1s, but it's not a success.
Yes, my mom washes on the weekend and I have tons of laundry. Thought I'd stay awake for it all but guess not. I should go finish what I have, can use my sewing table with ironing. Might wait a bit. Not much to wait for. Have to practice singing but I guess not now, tired from yesterday.
Look, stop wasting my time. I'm sick and tired of being bothered and insulted by everyone. People are like doing things that would make me m********. WTF you think I did? Why you think I'm just shit now?
What Should I Do
My mom was drying my coat..She does laundry on the weekends and it's Tuesday! I walked back to my chair and was so inconvenienced for some reason my legs weren't as strong though are and I kinda swerved to my broken up chair, and all that came out was the word "accident" I thought didn't say out loud, though, of course. She's drying other stuff, too, and there's stuff sitting on the washer. Told her the medicine made me tired. I have like 3 huge piles of clothes to wash though with the separating colors I'm guessing that has to make more. [|:]- I don't feel like it right now though I'm not too tired. I'm turned off, might get up and do it if I turn on music I own. Might see @ reading something, "The Hunger Games," remember reading it so I got it. Don't remember the cover. What about that other famous book? I'm not reading it because I don't want to read so much, books, and I was over college romances. Sad, the lady is ½ Spanish ½ English but I think like Latin American and British.
My Dream
It's hard to remember it clearly, still very tired, got up and had cold water. I'm kinda awake though for posting this. It was very annoying and rather brutal. I think there was something @ a car ride that mightn't be there, but we got in like a pack of bugs or tadpoles made as a cartoon and made some rules. I think it's like "The Hunger Games," which I am drawn to reading. There was some sharp challenge. I don't remember all it was. It seemed like a big barren dessert. You ever seen like orange sand all over?
I am awake with the tired sorta sore throat, snot in my congestion, and just an overall illness.
6-7 Hours of Sleep
5'2"+ on my new measurement. Didn't need to stretch much, I know.
Oh, I was watching "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" again last night. I did for 2 others recently, didn't talk @ the last. I had to stop it, was tired and from the medicine, which I eat with food so like to wait.
I am awake with the tired sorta sore throat, snot in my congestion, and just an overall illness.
6-7 Hours of Sleep
5'2"+ on my new measurement. Didn't need to stretch much, I know.
Oh, I was watching "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" again last night. I did for 2 others recently, didn't talk @ the last. I had to stop it, was tired and from the medicine, which I eat with food so like to wait.
No Need To
Why does my teacher give a shit over little kids? I don't know why the fuck she cares.
Well, disclaimer. I forget why I thought that.
Also, what if she spurts out the feeling that it's so endlessly funny that while we are encouraged to make our own clothes that appear more old-fashioned that she thinks it's anti-cultural and rebellious, even if it is what's not rebellious and is what's social.
Well, disclaimer. I forget why I thought that.
Also, what if she spurts out the feeling that it's so endlessly funny that while we are encouraged to make our own clothes that appear more old-fashioned that she thinks it's anti-cultural and rebellious, even if it is what's not rebellious and is what's social.
If You Have a Moment
It was already @ you, to begin with. You know, if you're complemented in a way that puts you down. I don't get that way.
Facebook Post
I may not be able to, but it probably isn't my fault .. not sure what I think of Valencia .. @ Seminole, they might have something I like, but I only want to go to 1 school.. I was just in Acting 1 and had to withdraw. Someone did it for me. I don't trust anyone in Central FL. Actually, there is like no way I can get there, now. I tried to make it for myself, but I assume it would be silly for someone like me to go back. Strangely enough, what helped me was waking up in the morning to work out and I eat a salad and something else at the college.. I planned that bc I knew I'd miss the lecture if I didn't or be really in a buzz. The day really goes by once it starts bc then I have to shower after all the working out. I don't have to but bc.. I don't know, Ginny, I kinda was forced to withdraw, though it's been 1 of the best. It's more fun to take more than just 1 class. The hours are not bad, started @ 4 & 5:30. I know people can get out of work @ 5, but it would be too far to reach. Seriously, all I had time for was exercise, lunch, shower, and then class starts. I even passed out notes in ballet for people to meet up, no response. What my downfall was was not bringing a folding chair for after my shower. I was too tired. I had to see a counselor for my progress, and he would not counsel. Also, Ginny, I don't want to take class during the summer. Bc I took it in the Spring. I have other things to see people to do. (http://twiturl.us/2013-05-28-2)
Yes, I would come and do acting, again. I already am trying to get in a movie like Maggie Liz Jones in We Bought a Zoo thru to AMTC, the Christian big traveling casting agency. Been there twice, lots of fun, can go out ot eat. You know, the airport, the hotel @ Disney.... You know, though, I mean I liked the summer off because Ellen doesn't air. I was gonna spend it in my bathing suit and at Disney World. I can use it to get in shape, as well. The reason I did exercises was to be with other students in the mornings, then do homework and take a walk in the day. Getting tired is not an issue, only getting sleep. I dunno, it's just my big break. I'm learning to or following instructions on some dress patterns. http://twiturl.us/2013-05-28-1 I fear that my plan to wear these dresses anywhere being turned down, but I would find something like petticoats to wear underneath. It's a short dress, though, and I know we didn't -say- "no dresses allowed." It's no big deal, things like this always turn up on me here. I did get some nicer pants at Wal-Mart before I got kicked out, but I guess I need different tops, which I got turtlenecks, maybe a bit boring, but these are tight and made of more like swimminsuit material. People who left the class wore capris, they were chubby and intellectual.. I don't even know if they had on stockings. That's okay, but I mean if you like it. Can't get clothes you don't like! It was also that I didn't know if I could afford nice clothes. I probably will just purchase more undershorts rather than petticoats on such a short dress, no point really. You know in theater around the country you have to have talents in drawing and designing, designing clothes and some of the scenery.. xp
Yes, I would come and do acting, again. I already am trying to get in a movie like Maggie Liz Jones in We Bought a Zoo thru to AMTC, the Christian big traveling casting agency. Been there twice, lots of fun, can go out ot eat. You know, the airport, the hotel @ Disney.... You know, though, I mean I liked the summer off because Ellen doesn't air. I was gonna spend it in my bathing suit and at Disney World. I can use it to get in shape, as well. The reason I did exercises was to be with other students in the mornings, then do homework and take a walk in the day. Getting tired is not an issue, only getting sleep. I dunno, it's just my big break. I'm learning to or following instructions on some dress patterns. http://twiturl.us/2013-05-28-1 I fear that my plan to wear these dresses anywhere being turned down, but I would find something like petticoats to wear underneath. It's a short dress, though, and I know we didn't -say- "no dresses allowed." It's no big deal, things like this always turn up on me here. I did get some nicer pants at Wal-Mart before I got kicked out, but I guess I need different tops, which I got turtlenecks, maybe a bit boring, but these are tight and made of more like swimminsuit material. People who left the class wore capris, they were chubby and intellectual.. I don't even know if they had on stockings. That's okay, but I mean if you like it. Can't get clothes you don't like! It was also that I didn't know if I could afford nice clothes. I probably will just purchase more undershorts rather than petticoats on such a short dress, no point really. You know in theater around the country you have to have talents in drawing and designing, designing clothes and some of the scenery.. xp
you believe how many times I've been scolded at for nothing, nothing
but giggling (laughing) and using the bathroom? That was a selfish
disciplinarian, wonder what those 2 guys'd do if they saw me again, had a
nice meeting with the other at the start of the ye'ar. He seemed to
drop the idea of homework, since it wouldn't work to kick me out of
school for now, because others all do it. I don't know why I was told
harsh things by others after, my therapist that they said expelled when
on one else said it. I just need a note from a doctor, a psychiatrist I
think. Ginny's class used to be fun, but I was thinking of never
returning, besides. —
feeling lonely.
- Christina Joanna Barrett I wonder how Carolyn and Amy and others took her class more times in a row. At least I took the liberty to pass out things on holidays and get their information more than once, e-mail for tennis and then just to talk..got Facebook of the 1st class of the evening.
- Christina Joanna Barrett I hope she stays at Disney, but maybe she wants to change someday? I thought you couldn't stay that long. Who else does this? Guess it's like having a TV show or being Johnny Depp.
- Christina Joanna Barrett Ya'll should learn to sing from her, but the lessons are 1 hour, no biggie other than monetarily speaking..which a reasonable price. I'm just really sad, not only am I infuriated because sending me to a counselor they will attack like wild, strong, swift black dogs with spike collars possibly leading to becoming institutionalized, which she has been 3 blessed times. I found she does not really like me but likes my behavior. I cannot like enjoy Valencia maybe? I couldn't sign up for Flex courses. I have to wait for a note, am contacting Lakeside outpatient services and see "what I find there." It's not the same, not a private journey. It's not tacky. I just miss my FREEDOM. MY GODDAMN FREEDOM. I didn't ask for anything, thought it'd be a courtesy. I held my own and didn't have the teacher get too close to me in certain ways, like touching me. I don't mind being touched by anyone, it depends like is it my dad you want to "touch" me? It's weird what he thinks of me. I want to be LEFT ALONE and INFORMED if someone's gonna KICK ME OUT.
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