I may not be able to, but it probably isn't my fault .. not sure what I think of Valencia .. @ Seminole, they might have something I like, but I only want to go to 1 school.. I was just in Acting 1 and had to withdraw. Someone did it for me. I don't trust anyone in Central FL. Actually, there is like no way I can get there, now. I tried to make it for myself, but I assume it would be silly for someone like me to go back. Strangely enough, what helped me was waking up in the morning to work out and I eat a salad and something else at the college.. I planned that bc I knew I'd miss the lecture if I didn't or be really in a buzz. The day really goes by once it starts bc then I have to shower after all the working out. I don't have to but bc.. I don't know, Ginny, I kinda was forced to withdraw, though it's been 1 of the best. It's more fun to take more than just 1 class. The hours are not bad, started @ 4 & 5:30. I know people can get out of work @ 5, but it would be too far to reach. Seriously, all I had time for was exercise, lunch, shower, and then class starts. I even passed out notes in ballet for people to meet up, no response. What my downfall was was not bringing a folding chair for after my shower. I was too tired. I had to see a counselor for my progress, and he would not counsel. Also, Ginny, I don't want to take class during the summer. Bc I took it in the Spring. I have other things to see people to do. (http://twiturl.us/2013-05-28-2)
Yes, I would come and do acting, again. I already am trying to get in a movie like Maggie Liz Jones in We Bought a Zoo thru to AMTC, the Christian big traveling casting agency. Been there twice, lots of fun, can go out ot eat. You know, the airport, the hotel @ Disney.... You know, though, I mean I liked the summer off because Ellen doesn't air. I was gonna spend it in my bathing suit and at Disney World. I can use it to get in shape, as well. The reason I did exercises was to be with other students in the mornings, then do homework and take a walk in the day. Getting tired is not an issue, only getting sleep. I dunno, it's just my big break. I'm learning to or following instructions on some dress patterns. http://twiturl.us/2013-05-28-1 I fear that my plan to wear these dresses anywhere being turned down, but I would find something like petticoats to wear underneath. It's a short dress, though, and I know we didn't -say- "no dresses allowed." It's no big deal, things like this always turn up on me here. I did get some nicer pants at Wal-Mart before I got kicked out, but I guess I need different tops, which I got turtlenecks, maybe a bit boring, but these are tight and made of more like swimminsuit material. People who left the class wore capris, they were chubby and intellectual.. I don't even know if they had on stockings. That's okay, but I mean if you like it. Can't get clothes you don't like! It was also that I didn't know if I could afford nice clothes. I probably will just purchase more undershorts rather than petticoats on such a short dress, no point really. You know in theater around the country you have to have talents in drawing and designing, designing clothes and some of the scenery.. xp