Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I just got another stupid message.  Stop doing shit to me.

What was I gonna say?  Ah, yes, Orla Karron Fallon doesn't do much anymore, everyone begs her to be a part of Celtic Woman.  She hasn't come to the U.S., recently, at least go once in each state rather than like her regular several months with a kid band, I mean like every other day or sometimes back to back performances I think.  I don't really see how that is possible.

It doesn't matter, other people are what I talk about, and I don't pick at them for who they are only what they've done wrong in some way, which a lot of people think she's not so public.  I just was noticing what she looked like.  If it made her uncomfortable means she doesn't|wouldn't like me.  Funny this came up in the past day, like listing words like I just did.  See, I am right, from Florida, that's something I noticed here, I know.  The only thing that says is that that's how she is and I'm worth a shit.  Like, some people, not meaning her necessarily at the moment, have a certain look and even knock out your own look, like when you're in a rush, so then you know you can't always be in a rush in things.  Then, everyone will tell me I'm shit because of my race when they see something I could have done.  Ellen, I don't care @ bad people so much.