Friday, June 21, 2013


Time to practice voice.. after a shower?  Dunno, may nap later, maybe not, though.

Oh, and I'm starting jazz classes, immediately.  $12 per class.  It's so I can be like Tinkerbell in the front of the Disney parade.  Even if I were Alice I'd need it.  Ballet is very staunch and I do have a lot of training compared to a modern dancer or maybe even someone who's always been to the same school.  Need to do floor workouts, as well.  I was still tired, had some water this morning, need to take pills.  Not sure.  Will probably wait until lunch.  My stomach is smaller and tighter.  There were so many girls and some boys at that audition.

I should probably sing, see if I can do something to my hair, put on a bra, cuz I record it.  I was gonna practice yesterday, but just had a burger with my parents and went to bed.  Of course, the day before I was trying to sleep.  Had some problems, slept early the night before, gone all day.