Saturday, June 1, 2013


I can see my dad and Ellen DeGeneres, not sure why them together, talking @ my nose .. that it wasn't very nice .. but then you know that's just bullshit and something anyone would go against, kind forgot what it felt like deep under.  The way it's brought up.  I'm white European, so don't UNimprove what I got.  Why'd I have a small nose at times when I was more under my parents living?  My idea was you see them together and you just see they're making it up, being grouchy, just nothing else to do.  Um, there were lots of things to do.  I'm a real person.  I see I improve, I accept mistakes, I learn to forgive.  What the fuck is a big deal @ Jewish noses?  What about the Mideast and not India?  India may have bigger noses, in general.  Also, don't get mad at my dad too much for me because I don't trust you.

Wait, I'm still thinking of mad thoughts I'd had that were supposedly "from Ellen DeGeneres?"