Monday, May 27, 2013

Weasel @ Bush

So, I was reflecting on what I sing with this teacher, and apparently I know more musical theater, it's easier..  I didn't know and was like a tomboy because I had a little brother.  I actually prefer like Christmas songs, .. hm, is someone else making a scene of how I didn't take voice?  They gave me musical theater and Andrew Lloyd Webber.  Yes, I did know about singing at a young age but not like singing @ 2..  I was learning to talk..  Maybe, she doesn't want to teach me but cares @ me.  She might be busy.  Yes, but I was thinking it might actually be a punishment, but I got pretty vicious about her sending me to a counselor who just slipped me out.  Why do teachers do that shit when I'm the nicest in the class?  You can talk to me if you think I did something vicious but don't think so.  Yes, what it is is yes you can say no to someone in a vicious way, but you can't do it to a normal person.  I'm a normal person.  She's out there.  It's hard to put my finger on it but that she did specific things she wasn't supposed to and her attitude is flippant.