I keep getting huanted by the famous reverberations of attempts at intelligent thought by 1 Ellen DeGeneres. Just say what you mean, no one will judge you, they know who you are and the weight of your feelings or whatever.
Every time I make a point about people that she said something else for, I get the idea of what she expressed, "she did it," I guess "she 'said' she did it." I felt a dead feeling in my left pointer finger. It's the 1 that's not as curved. I am pretty dead on the inside myself from having lived a life and just in the world functioning.
Ellen, you can't just say, "I said I wasn't going to do it, I'm just gonna tell someone in Orlando to make a loud noise when you said something you thought I didn't say." You don't always do that, and that's wrong. Hardy har har. That's so funny, no hard feelings, just the fact that you think you can do things someone else can't do who wants to do that.