Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Northern Goodies

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Tha Nort'

Up north is nice. Up up up.

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Mah Druthers

I'd prefer Cleveland.

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Ginny's not Southern.

(Girls Raised In The South)

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They were keeping me from an attractive course and don't care @ my up-to-date monetary situation. I need to speak to a lawyer, not police.

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Some people are so happy they do not care @ the conversation.

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Ginny doesn't respond to happy younger people.

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It's when my point isn't taken do I feel racism.

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Lily's friends are meaner than me. She just wants the odd 1 out. She wants to make a meaning for things. She thinks the world is jealous. It's quite inappropriate. She's saying I'm selfish to feel good in a normal way. She's a case like her dad.

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Asian Mixes

So, if you like Asian, then don't call a mix Asian.

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The Most Saucy

Asians felt for our quirks.

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So, does soda make you more thirsty, in a way?

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I am sure an Asian can develop into looking Caucasian. It is just that they hang out with 1 another.

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A 1/2 black Asian mix should be the same as 1/2 white on the black side. What @ 1/2 minority?

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Did you know my college honors experience was not harder but made easy to learn more, but .. like make us do work outside of class for this 1 English course. Something else typical was we added a music history prep course 2nd semester which was too easy yet time consuming in library. Up north was too hard. Also, the singing group course was only 1st semester and no credit hours I think. It was replaced the next semester with Italian singing.

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Una Problema

Black people are disrespectful racially.

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